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Former Ebrington Primary School Site

Lapwing Way, Waterside, Derry/Londonderry, County Derry/Londonderry, BT47 6EU

Recently Completed

Former Ebrington Primary School Site

The first phase of the redevelopment of the 2.92 hectare former Ebrington Primary School site which is located in a prominent location within the Waterside area of Derry/Londonderry, is being led by Radius Housing. Through a public land nomination from the Northern Ireland Education Authority, Radius is redeveloping just under half of the redundant school site to create 49 new high quality social homes. The bespoke residential scheme which has been created through design competition will create new homes for 152 people, addressing the acute housing need experienced by the Waterside area of the city which is characterised by high levels of social deprivation.

The new development which represents a construction investment in excess of £6 million will have a hugely positive impact on the established communities which surround the site and the wider city economy. Radius’ involvement in delivering the sites housing component has acted as an important catalyst project within the wider Clooney Greenway Masterplan project which is being led by Derry and Strabane District Council and involving multiple stakeholder groups.

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Contract Value:
£5 Million
Estimated Completion Date:
P & K Mc Kaigue
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GM Design
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